Why are some people so narrow minded? This is one of those questions I have asked myself many times.
I recently had someone I ‘m very close to call me because they were upset about this very situation, only they didn’t realize this was the problem. What got this person so upset was that he couldn’t help but take the comments of a few narrow minded individuals personally. Believe me; I understand his feelings and reasons for being upset. We or at least I pride myself on my concern for others and my ability to help people. I also try to be very knowledgeable and completely educate myself on the choices I make personally and professionally and so does this person. In fact it shows in the way he lives his life. So when people he thought trusted him, knew him and knew that his motives are never selfish rejected his help and his genuine concern for their well being he was deeply hurt. What he was unable to see at first, because he was so hurt, was that it wasn’t him they were trying to reject. It's that they can’t see beyond themselves and they have no ability to believe in or trust what they cannot be open to. So when he suggested something to them that was out of their comfort zone and not conventional, all the trust and respect they have for him was diminished by their own narrow minded thinking.
So what do we do when we are faced with this sort of problem from our friends and loved ones??? For me I just feel sorry for them and allow myself to go through the emotions I’m feeling. I try to be sure to end my contact with that person about the subject at hand in a positive note and move on. That last part, to move on is key!! See for those of us in the business of helping people or who are sometimes irresponsibly generous and helpful to most of the people in our lives, we need to remind ourselves that it’s not about the 1 or 2 people who refuse to be open to what we have to share. It's about those people who need us, who respect us, who trust us and are open to receiving a good, kind, smart and generous person in their lives.
My dad, who was the most generous and kind person I have ever known told me this.. “Most people just don’t get it! You can lead a horse to water but you can’t force him to drink!” It took me many years to really get what he meant but his wisdom is simple and timeless. Over the years I have learned that I can’t stop leading people, I just need to lead more people because you will always win some and you will lose some but the ones you win are far more rewarding when compared to the few that are lost…..